Spinal Flow® Technique Practitioner, Reiki Energy Healer,
Empowerment Coach

Let go of stress, overwhelm & anxiety.
Step into your new beginning.

Welcome to Jenie Coaches LLC

I am so grateful you are here!
I specialize in Spinal Flow® Technique, Reiki Energy Healing and transformational coaching.
My mission is to help my clients work through the root cause of stress, overwhelm and anxiety to finally live aligned with the true version of themselves, in freedom & on purpose. Spirituality is my core value that holds the space for my clients to feel safe in vulnerability on their journey of self discovery.

I believe we are all energy.
Lifestyle choices we make significantly impact
who we are in this world for ourselves and for others.

I encourage you to step into your new beginning & be the change you want to see.

Working with me.

I believe in the statement, all in divine timing. I believe if you are reading this page, it is because you were led to it. It is your time to discover more about yourself and how to step into a new way of being you, the true version of you and I am here to walk with you on your journey of self discovery. It is time to let go of past conditioning that has been keeping you where you are, all while possessing this internal knowing that you are meant for more.

Working with me will allow you a safe space to step into vulnerability and allow your true self to shine, without judgement. I am 100% honest and will meet you where you are at personally, offering what I believe are the best next steps for you. With individual treatments, coaching sessions or combined customized packages that suit your needs in the moment, I am confident you will step into your new beginning with your mind, body and spirit in alignment and in a way that serves you.


Have questions?
If you have any questions or concerns,
please feel free to reach out.
I’m here to help provide you with the information you need.
You can contact me via email or phone,
and I’ll be more than happy to assist you.