Customer Testimonials

There is so much value in hearing what my clients have felt during and/or after our sessions. Here they have shared how they have grown on their own personal journey.
Reading the positive impact Coaching & Reiki treatments have had for all is truly a blessing to share with others.

With Love & Light,
Thank you!

What are they saying about coaching?

“Jenie is a great person to open up to because she allows all the space you need to get things out, sparks creative out of the box thinking and new perspectives into your own thoughts and feelings in a fun and empowering way.”

— Erin H.

“I really liked working with Jenie as my coach. She always had a bright smile and has a true heart for helping others. She desires to hold a space where clients can feel safe and supported. She does that extremely well! Jenie really stretched me outside of my comfort zone and encouraged me to try new activities and workouts and to gain new perspectives on my own health history. She followed up her ideas with further information or sent links to me so that I could evaluate her suggestions further. She also helped me to investigate new ways to nourish myself. I made a few big decisions during our time together that wouldn’t have happened without her guidance and enthusiasm. I will miss working with Jenie!”

— Lori S.

“I really enjoyed connecting with Jenie. As I stepped into the session, I wasn't sure what the bravest version of me would do or where my fear was coming from. She helped me to gain clarity in a way that felt easy and natural. She had a presence that felt calming and that I could trust her and that it was safe to be vulnerable. I appreciated her energy in the session and support as I became curious about my fear.”

— Rachel E.

“Jen was well prepared, confident, and enthusiastic. It was a pleasure working with her! It is evident that she is passionate about helping others find a purpose as she meets hers in becoming a life coach.”

— Cassie C.

“It has been my pleasure to work with Jenie over the past several sessions. I have gained a lot of insight as a result. I will forever be grateful. Thank you Jenie!”

— Chris W.

“Jenie is a great person to open up to because she allows all the space you need to get things out, sparks creative out of the box thinking and new perspectives into your own thoughts and feelings in a fun and empowering way.”

— Anonymous.

What are they saying about Reiki?

Jenie & her energy work have been an integral part of my healing & spiritual journey. When I first came to her, I was not in a good emotiional headspace & had also been stuck creatively in my work. After just one session, my creativity was flowing freely again and hasn't stopped, months later. She has also helped me get connected to my own energy and intuition. This has helped me in countless ways. I'll forever be grateful for her help."

— Jill B.

"I had been struggling to work through PTSD from a traumatic childhood experience. I've know Jen for the past several years and she asked if I'd like to give Reiki a try as she believed it could help me. I went into the session with low expectations but with an open mind. I am so glad I trusted Jen as I left the session feeling a calm I had not felt in a very long time."

— Joy M.

I sought Jenie's help because I was in a serious car accident nine months ago. After seeking Western medicine in various forms for my TBI (traumatic brain injury) I was informed that there was nothing more they could do for me. I left my last appointment with a sense of knowing that no one would be more dedicated than myself to heal. Through my research in my own care, I somehow was led to investigate the Eastern side of medicine, which is how I discovered Jenie. I cannot speak highly enough of Jenie. She takes the time to really connect with you and get to know you and genuinely cares. I made an immediate connection with Jenie and had no doubt I needed her in my healing process with my TBI and PTSD, but there was one visit that changed a lot for me. At this session she not only saw one of my nightmares but felt what was happening in it. It still has me in shock but what a profound experience. Every session has really helped me and the experience at each session has been greatly beneficial.

— Lillianna S.