Hi, I’m Jenie Griffin

so nice to meet you!

I am the Founder and CEO of Jenie Coaches LLC, and I am delighted to have you here! Let me share a little about myself, my work, and the people I assist.

After over 20 years in Corporate America, I felt a deeper calling beyond what I had gratefully achieved. Despite my hard work and success in my field of study, I sensed something was lacking. Moving from Chicago to Cincinnati and then to Fort Wayne, Indiana, highlighted this feeling.

The loss of three close family members during the Covid period from May 2020 to May 2021 prompted me to reflect on my life. This led me to pursue baptism, a desire I had since childhood. In late summer 2020, my daughter and I enrolled in catechism classes and were officially baptized on Christmas Eve 2020, marking a significant shift in my life.

Returning to work after the holidays, I felt a sense of dissatisfaction and prayed for guidance on finding my true purpose.
God, why am I here at this place…I know there is something bigger for me, please show me the way to my purpose”, little did I know what would unfold.

A chance encounter with a health coach's business card during a massage appointment sparked my interest in becoming a health and life coach. Through my journey of healing from past traumas, I transitioned from self-healing to coaching, aiming to empower others as a Mastery Level Certified Health & Life Coach. Combining health and life coaching into Empowerment Coaching, I help individuals address past conditioning and trauma to live authentically and purposefully.

During my coaching program, I discovered Reiki, a practice that helped me overcome personal obstacles and deepen my connection to self. Inspired by the profound impact of Reiki, I became a Reiki Practitioner to aid others on their healing journeys. Despite my remarkable progress, I felt there was more to explore in my healing journey.

After encountering Spinal Flow repeatedly on social media, I researched and became a certified Spinal Flow Practitioner to further aid my clients on their healing journeys. Now, as a Spinal Flow Practitioner, Reiki Practitioner and Mastery Level Certified Empowerment Coach, I assist men and women in overcoming feelings of hopelessness due to past conditioning and trauma. My mission is to guide clients in resolving the root causes of stress, overwhelm, and anxiety, empowering them to live in alignment with their true selves. Rooted in spirituality, I create a safe space for clients to embrace vulnerability and embark on a journey of self-discovery.

Why I Do What I Do

To bring light into the world by empowering new beginnings.
To encourage and support others to heal and live their best life is me serving my greater purpose.

How I Can Help You

My mission is to help my clients find clarity, balance and joy in every facet of their life. This healed state of being will allow you to embrace your personal power and create transformational habits that last.
We live in a very stressful world but we do not have to allow it to control how we choose to live in it. I offer transformational programs that will heal and guide you, support you and hold you accountable to take action towards your New Beginning.