Spinal Flow® Technique

Spinal Flow® Technique is a holistic healing modality
that ignites the body’s natural ability to heal.

The Spinal Flow® Technique combines philosophy, science, and an intuitive, hands-on approach to encourage our spine and nervous system to alleviate stress and support self-healing. Similar to how our body naturally digests food, grows hair, and beats the heart, our innate intelligence or Life Force Energy, enables our bodies to heal and thrive.

The spine and nervous system are pathways through which Life Force Energy flows. Unreleased stress caused by physical, chemical or emotional stressors create blockages in the spine which prevents the flow. The Spinal Wave represents fluidity moving harmoniously throughout the body, fostering openness.

By focusing on effective techniques, we encourage healing by engaging with the 33 access points on the spine to alleviate any blockages.

These access points are crucial areas where the dura mater connects the cranium (awaken gateway), sacrum (foundation gateway), and coccyx (base gateway), housing the nerves that transmit signals between the brain and central nervous system.

When a practitioner stimulates an access point, it signals the client's brain to enhance comfort in that area, promoting relaxation.

As the body experiences more comfort, the Spinal Wave flows freely, allowing the body's innate healing capabilities to take charge, addressing and releasing any blockages.

As a Certified Spinal Flow® Technique Practitioner, I am able to help your body release chemical, physical and emotional stressors causing dis-ease so you can step into living your best life.

An Introduction to the Creator

The Spinal Flow® Technique was developed by Dr Carli Axford over 20 years of research, observation and clinical success. It combines her understanding of the spine, nervous system and Life Force Energy into a simple method that harnesses the body’s innate ability to heal itself.

Carli has a double degree in chiropractic and spent time at the world-renowned Texas Back Institute before combining her extensive experience with her studies in India and in many other modalities. She recognizes the power of the body’s ability to heal itself as the best way to treat pain, illness and dis-ease. After refining her methods to find the most effective way to help people heal, the Spinal Flow® Technique was born.

Benefits of Spinal Flow® Technique

Spinal Flow has been know to benefit in the following ways:

Igniting the body’s natural ability to heal

Relief from Pain and Dis-Ease in the body

Bring a sense of calm and relaxation

Reduce feelings of stress, overwhelm and anxiety

Support a sense of inner peace and confidence

Reduced Irritability

Improve Sleep

Energetic Alignment

Supports Nervous System Function

Aid in Fertility, Pregnancy and Birth

Ease Colic in Infants

Sooth Discomfort in Babies, Children and Teens

Enhanced Mobility

Enhanced Well-Being

Preventative Care

Emotional Release from past trauma

Stimulate the body’s immune system

Promote natural self-healing & overall well-being

Mind-Body-Spirit Connection

Improve Posture, Scoliosis, Kyphosis, Arthritis

Rewire Conditioning

So much more!

I have studied under the practices of Dr. Cari Axford and as a certified Spinal Flow Practitioner, I am able to help your body release stress causing dis-ease in the body.

Releasing stress that has been trapped in the body helps restore the flow of healing Life Force Energy, through every vertebrae in the spine and in turn to every cell in the body.

Can I use Spinal Flow® Technique to replace my medical treatments?

Spinal Flow Technique treatments cannot replace or be used in substitution for the consultation of a physician or psychotherapist. Spinal Flow can be used to complement other types of medical and therapeutic treatments. Regular Spinal Flow treatments can help enhance your ability to respond to stress and serve as a form of preventive medicine, due to its inherent healing qualities.

Ignite the wave within


Ignite the wave within 〰️