Reiki Energy Healing

What is Reiki? Reiki is an energy therapy used to release stored negative energy from our mind, body and spirit. These negative energies can be present from various reasons including childhood conditioning, traumas, stress, anxiety, among others. During a Reiki session, universal life force energies are channeled to the client through the hands of the provider. This energy carries it's own intelligence and naturally flows to where it is needed most. This flow finds where low energy levels and blockages exist and are restored to a state of balance. Most clients experience an improved state of mind, body and spiritual well-being which allows them to move through life with flow vs force.
Reiki is used all over the world, including hospitals, addiction treatment centers and throughout hospice situations to aid and complement traditional forms of health treatments and therapies.

How Reiki Helped Me

While on my healing journey, I was experiencing blockages preventing me from moving forward and one of my mentors asked me if I had ever tried Reiki. I had never heard of it before but understanding no harm can ever come from this modality, I was very interested in giving it a try. After my first Reiki session, I felt lighter and was able to move through my blockages with ease. I felt a deeper connection to my inner self and felt inspired to help others experience the same. My experience was so profound, I felt led to become a Reiki energy healer for my clients, also seeking to experience their own deeper level of healing and connection to self.

Benefits of Reiki

During a Reiki session, universal life force energies are channeled through the hands of the provider to their client. With energy carrying its own intelligence, it knows exactly where to flow to correct any blockages that exist. As this energy flows naturally through the body, it creates an optimal state for healing to occur. Because Reiki works on our overall wellbeing, it can enhance all types healing including our mental, physical, spiritual and emotional health even while recovering from addictions, traumas, illnesses, etc.

Reiki can benefit those experiencing:

  • Stress, overwhelm and anxiety

  • Reduced or lack of quality sleep

  • mood swings and irritability

  • Lost sense of self

  • Lack of direction and/or motivation

  • Difficulty concentrating or focusing

  • Overwhelming fatigue

Reiki has been know to benefit in the following ways:

  • Bring a sense of calm and relaxation

  • Reduce feelings of stress, overwhelm and anxiety

  • Support a sense of inner peace and confidence

  • Improve the ability to focus and enhanced concentration

  • Improves sense of self control; reduced irritability

  • Improve sleep

  • Stimulate the body’s immune system

  • Promote natural self-healing & overall well-being

Studies have shown that Reiki treatments may create feelings of peace, relaxation, security, and overall wellness.

Reiki treatments cannot replace or be used in substitution for the consultation of a physician or psychotherapist. Reiki can be used to complement other types of medical and therapeutic treatments. If you are currently in good health, regular reiki treatments can help enhance your ability to respond to stress and serve as a form of preventive medicine, due to its inherent healing qualities.

Can I use Reiki to replace my medical treatments?

Reiki Services

In Person & Distant Adult Reiki Session
30 minutes total treatment time…………$45

In Person & Distant Adult Reiki Session
60 minutes total treatment time…………$75

Ages 19+

Adult Single Sessions

30 Minutes
6 Session Adult Reiki Package…………….$240
(Saves $5 per session)

60 Minutes
6 Session Adult Reiki Package…………….$390
(Saves $10 per session)

Ages 19+
Packages must be paid in full by or at first appointment.

Adult Session Packages

*Please contact me directly if times in scheduler do not align with your availability.
I am confident we will find a time that works perfectly.

Teen Sessions

Ages 13-18

*Teen sessions includes 30 minutes laser coaching & 30 minutes of Reiki

In Person Teen Reiki Session
60 minutes total treatment time…………$70

6 Session teen Reiki Package……….$360
(Saves $10 per session - must be paid in full at first session)

*Still have questions?
Email or text me for a 15 minute call to talk through what’s on your mind.